Tosh OOAK | Monthly Subscription FAQ

What is an OOAK?
OOAK stands for "One of A Kind" colors that are unique and are created in limited quantities. OOAK’s often feature complex blends of colors or experimental dye techniques, resulting in a skein that is unlike any other.

How much does Tosh OOAK | Monthly Subscription cost? 
$25, plus shipping. Payment will be charged at checkout. Subscriptions are renewed automatically each month on the day the order was placed. 

When do I get my subscription?
Subscriptions are shipped within 5-7 business days. 

How often will I receive a new skein of yarn with my subscription?
Subscriptions are renewed automatically each month on the day the order was placed, after you receive confirmation of payment your OOAK will ship within 5-7 business days. 

What yarn base will I receive?
Yarn bases will vary month to month. Expect to see some of our best sellers, past favorites, and limited-edition skeins you won't find anywhere else.

I subscribed! How do I access the subscription portal? 
If you have an account at you will be able to view your subscription by logging into your account and visiting this page. If you do not have an account, view and edit your subscription through the link you receive in your subscription email. 

Is there any pattern support for this club?
No. But You can search our patterns by yarn weight here!

I love the color I received! How can I order more?
You can't. Each skein is one of a kind!

Can I skip a month or pause my subscription if needed?
Yes! You can pause, resume, cancel and reactivate your subscription at any time in the subscription portal.

Can I return my OOAK shipment? 
OOAK shipments are neither refundable or exchangeable. 

I don't like knitting with a certain weight. Is there anyway to make sure I don't receive any in that weight?
While we don't have a way to pick and choose specific yarn weights to skip in your subscription, we're all about offering a mix of yarns that suit different tastes. 



More questions? Send us an email at